Friday, March 28, 2008

LILI IT Interest Group Meeting - March 27th, 2008

Attending: Jim Jonas, Emily Wixson, Karen Dunn, Anne Rauh, Jon Jeffryes, Meridith Thompson, Ian Benton, Bob Sessions, and Tom Durkin.

Bob Sessions – brought in a number of very interesting gadgets to pass around.

1) SanDisk Sansa e200 Series MP3 Players, with 2GB Storage chip

a. Storage chip

2) Logitech 980409-0403 Headphones with noise canceling circuit

3) Centon 1GB MP3 Player w/ Voice Recorder

Emily Wixson and Karen Dunn – Ever since Emily and Karen gave a presentation top the Advanced Biology class at West High School, Emily has pondered how to engage high school students in library orientation sessions. In the Fall of 2007, Emily was working with a SLIS BI field placement student on collaborative writing with Endnote when she stumbled upon a Goggle Docs YouTube video. Thinking YouTube might be a good medium for high school, she decided to pilot a YouTube video on Boolean operators. Emily's spring 2008 SLIS BI field placement student (Lexy Spry) is creating a 1.5 minute video using equipment from the CIMC and iMovie. The project also included a pre-test and post-test to assess learning. She has arranged with Eliot Finkelstein at College to test the video with upcoming high school visits. Emily and Karen will use the video next fall at West High.
YouTube -
iMovie -

Anne Rauh/Jon Jeffryes – mentioned the use of YouTube for preserving the videos taken at UW Madison’s Innovation Days in the College of Engineering.

Ian Benton – Reports that College has been experimenting with the “Twiki” wiki application. This is a free open-source application without required add content. College is using it for creating student circulation training materials, and an accompanying knowledgebase. This wiki has been very useful so far, and includes the unique “TwikiWords” tagging/linking feature. Twiki also allows the administrator to grant different levels of editing rights to each user.

Jim Jonas – The CIMC did a session on “stop paying for software.” A series of sites were referenced here one can get access to free and open source applications to download and use:
Open Source Software Alternative -
Open Source Windows -
Open Source Mac -

Karen Dunn – This site (KillerStartups) is also great for finding new applications. These additional sites are where I go to find new information about IT developments:
KillerStartups -
Gary Price’s Blog: Resource Shelf -
Gary Price’s DocuTicker -

Jim Jonas – Don’t forget these very good sites for learning about new technology trends:

Tom – Also, don’t forget: for finding free software.

Monday, March 3, 2008

LILI IT meeting notes 2/27/2008

1) The Educause "7 things" project (recommended by Emily W. via email)
This project was started in 2005 as a way to inform people in higher education about "Web 2.0" and related technologies. The site offers administrative summaries of various topics, such as blogs and podcasting, as well as reviews of individual resources such as YouTube or Google Earth. It is a good place to start if you want to get a quick overview of what a tool is or is useful for.

2) The Engage E-learning Teaching Tools (Jon Jeffryes)
We looked at the "ConceptTutor" sample resource on "Locating Icebergs with Satellite Images."

And we also looked at the "eTEACH" tool that combines PowerPoint slides with video and quiz capability. The "Peanut Butter and Jelly" demo gives an idea for how this can be used.

3) Wikis and Google Docs for Library work (Anne Rauh and Jon Jeffryes)
We finished up with a discussion of how Wisconsin Tech Search (WTS) and Wendt Library have been using wikis and Google Docs for their internal library work and collaboration.

WTS has been using the Zoho wiki and Google Docs for work on on technical report and copyright:

Wendt Library has also been using a similar wiki to manage collaboration within the Engineering Professional Development EPD classes that Wendt Library has worked on with the EPD department (Com A and B instructors). Stickipad is the wiki application that Wendt has been using:

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 27th (noon-1:00PM). I have reserved Memorial room 362 for the meeting, but we can use other locations depending on what everyone prefers.