Friday, April 22, 2011
New Facebook Group!
Courtesy of Jim, we have a Facebook Group. Huzzah!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
April Meeting? Come Join us at WAAL!
IT Interested? Encouraging IT Experimentation in the Library "Come join UW-Madison librarians to learn about a fun way to encourage library staff experimentation and interest in new technology." Jim "The Media Master," Ian "The IT Kid," and Tom "The Notetaker" will converge on WAAL this year to host a gen-u-ine It Interest Meeting.
New IT Interest Group Meeting Notes – March 24, 2011
We had several new members attend this month. Excellent!
Lia started us off by demonstrating and telling us about a very interesting video-based question answering system. Users can set up an account to accept questions from the public. Later the user can compose their video reply to answer the question. Cool! The group noted that it would be best for user accessibility if the system has the ability to add captions like YouTube, or accept and properly display pre-captioned videos.
Ian continued the conversation by drawing attention to a new email list administered by University Communications that is focused on social media. Ian recommends that if you wish to join the list, send an email to the following address: join[dash]social[dash]media[at]lists[dot]wisc[dot]edu Ian notes that the list is very active!
Joe let us know that the ARIS Global Game Jam is coming up: April 18-20th. The event will include people all over the world coming together (online and in person) focus on ways to use the ARIS engine for creating games and mobile media. The engine can be used to create mobile scavenger hunt or tour games that can also interact with QR codes. Many other games and uses are also possible. If you would like a better idea of what ARIS is, take a look at this demo video:
Joe also mentioned that the Madison Public Libraries had begun loaning e-books for iPhones and iPads. (No Kindle compatible versions.) Joe notes that the DRM as applied limits use to 7 days. It seems to be a popular service already! The group then discussed e-books and patron-driven acquisitions in general. Ian noted that College Library has a program that allows users to check out Kindles and iPads. Part of the program also allows users to choose the e-books that are accessible on the readers.
Barbara showed the group some of the work that Laura S. and others at Steenbock Library put into getting some of their library instruction sessions recorded and online in YouTube. Barbara said that the project started when the snow day interfered with some students ability to attend their required library instruction session. Laura recorded the sessions for the students to catch up on their work. They used iMovie to edit the videos for uploading. Apparently, YouTube includes a captioning tool (based on a text file attachment) that allowed Laura to make the videos more accessible. Barbara mentioned that getting the several videos recorded, edited, and uploaded took about a week (from beginning to end) but less than that amount of time for the actual work to be completed. Ian mentioned that idwog is looking at options for library video production, and best practices. Lee mentioned that the library web site has to conform to accessibility standards, so captioning would be required for any video solution. Lia wondered about how rights in YouTube would work because of the EULA/TOS that YouTube requires Lee mentioned that as university employees, the YouTube TOS versus university copyright ownership issue is unclear, because it is likely that employees do not have the legal ability to give away university rights.
For our next meeting, the group wants to look at Google Apps! SEE YOU ALL NEXT TIME!