Monday, September 24, 2007

Complete Notes from IT Interest Group Meeting - August 23, 2007

Meeting Business

Attendees: Walden, Wixson, Jonas, Sessions, Keclik, Rosenshield, Stoeckel, Dunn, Durkin.

Decisions regarding scheduling: We have decided to meet on the 4th Thursday of the month, from noon-1:00PM. The room will move from library to library without a fixed location.

Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for September 27th, at noon. Room location is the 4th Floor instructional space in the CIMC.

The October Liaison Forum conflicts with our October meeting (October 25th). We can discuss a possible re-scheduling of the October LILI IT Interest Group meeting at our September 27th meeting at the CIMC. On the positive side, the Liaison Forum will focus on Libraries and Web 2.0 technologies!

NOTE: the IT Interest group now has a blog to record the (thanks Kelli). Everyone should have gotten an invitation. If you didn’t, please let Tom and Kelli know.

Tools Presented

Audio in a PDF by Adobe 7, plus a sticky note: At the August LILI retreat, Steve Frye mentioned a professor who uses the audio feature of Adobe 7 to orally review students' papers. Coincidentally, Curran Riley came to the Chemistry Library and installed Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional on a couple of library workstations. The IT forum presented the perfect opportunity to try this technology. The Acrobat 8 help files say that you can use the Record Audio Comment tool to add a prerecorded WAV or AIFF file as a comment or to record and place an audio comment in a document. Audio attachments appear in the Comments List and can be played back on any platform. You can add the "Record Audio Comment" icon to the Comment toolbar. Process: 1. Created a WORD document and saved to PDF. 2. Opened the pdf with Adobe Acrobat 8. 3. Click in the PDF where you want to place the audio comment. 4. In the recording box, click the Record button and then speak into the microphone. When you’ve finished recording, click the Stop button, and then click OK. I sent this file to a faculty member and had him try to open and listen. he was able to hear the sound using Acrobat Reader 5. He was not able to hear the file using the MAC default pdf viewer.
I will continue to test this - especially compatibility. I have a Chemistry faculty member who is very interested in trying this because his students are required to submit their paper to him in pdf format.

Kelli: OSU and NCS games (map plus puzzles; trivia) done with Captivate, Google maps, and HotPotatoes:
Ohio State Orientation Game
Make new students aware of library locations, collections, and services
Includes an interactive campus map, eight games, five videos
Design team consisted of three instruction librarians, one part-time graduate student, and one part-time student programmer.
Used Google Map API, Hot Potatoes, and Captivate/Flash

The Information Literacy Game
Online board game created by librarians at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Players answer questions in four categories: Choose Your Resource, Searching/Using Databases, Cite Your Sources, Library Wild Card
Al of the game files, images, questions, and instructions are free to download

Sheila: Hot potatoes – easy to use... but what does it do! (Lets discuss this at the next meeting!)

Bob: Noted that Flash-based games could be useful in instruction. Here are some examples he sent via email: (Lets discuss these at the next meeting!)

The website I showed: Excellent way to search many
websites at once. The only interface I know is the pick for libraries. Especially recommended, the KVK pick:

Technology shown: a yellow pencil and book: The Pencil : a history of design and circumstance / Henry Petroski. TS1268 P47 1990 Checked out at Wendt; in Special Collections reference. I still like dogpile

Flock rightly bills itself as the social web browser. It has lots of web 2.0 functionality built right in. This includes things like seamless access to your Flickr and accounts as well as a customizable homepage with lots of widgets, a built in feed reader and blog editor.

Netvibes allows users to create a homepage that includes many web tools they use on a regular basis. There are so many options I haven't begun to explore them all.

The TimesReader is a new feature of the New York Times. It allows users to download a daily copy of the paper onto their computer. The tool is very well designed and remarkably readable. The download is free for a 30 day trial. Users need to already have (or they can create) a free user account with the Times. Two caveats: 1. After the initial trial the paper will cost $14.95 a month. 2. As of now I think it only works in Windows.

Karen: Simsonizeme , google analytics (Lets discuss these at the next meeting!)

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